Be burger with or without meat

Yesterday was a cold day in Brussels, fortunately, the coldest of the week, from what the weather forecast says. I usually start the day with a light breakfast, but this cold weather and the sporty morning waiting for me, inspired a heavier one. I can’t tell you what I had for breakfast because it wasn’t elegant at all… but I can tell you that after that, I was all ready for the physiotherapy session.

The session was okay, I think that the energy was there. I don’t know if the physiotherapist agrees, though. After that, I had a meeting with a friend. There are not many accessible places in Stokkel and it was Monday, so restaurants are usually closed on that day, here. Therefore we ended up having lunch at the Be Burger. What a modern place!
A nice waiter warmly welcomed us, let us choose our table and brought big menus. Actually, I don’t know if he welcomed us warmly or if we were so glad to find an opened and warm place, so we cared less about how he welcomed us. But for sure he was well mannered.

Back to the menus… We opened it expecting a classical format. But not at all… they are electronic! Other than the sophisticated effect, this format was easier for me to go through, as there were no pages to turn, only clicks to make. Maybe not so easy for someone visually impaired.
This place is vegan-friendly too and has a wheelchair accessible restroom. There is a lift that is used to access it, but if you are planning to go there, the best would be to call them to know the length of their lift because I needed to do some adjustments to make my power wheelchair fit into it.
Enjoy the week and take care of your loved ones,
Petit Cyborg