How about going to a museum or a movie theater

If someone told me that would happen one day, I would have laughed so hard and would not believe it. Here is the story…

Every Saturday over two, a member of the small family gets the chance to choose the activity of the day. That Saturday, it was my turn. I chose the « Spanish Still Life » exhibition taking place at the well-known BOZAR. I was all excited about it and my excitement made the others excited too. I showed this video and everything , they were all in. I was really looking forward.

To pay the tickets, you have to go to the building in front of the museum. We were like « That’s not a big deal, the weather is good. » « Let’s go for it! » Well, if you are in a wheelchair, know that there is a step. Sorry, but you can’t get in. I was waiting outside while the tickets were being paid. My sister asked if there is a solution to avoid letting wheelchair users outside like that. Apparently, one of us, non-wheelchair user, could have gone inside and ask them to open the accessible entrance. Alright, let’s go for this still life!

If you are a wheelchair user or planning a visit to this museum with a wheelchair user friend, know that there is a lift in there but you cannot use it by yourselves. When you arrive, ask for assistance at the Info Point. Back to the story. The man came, we reached the exhibition’s floor and there, another staff member told my sister that I would only be able to see one room of the exhibition because the rest was not accessible at all. Ah! I bet you are asking yourself why he told my sister instead of telling me? Well, I have no idea… As I was the one in the situation of not having access to all the rooms, I asked him what was their solution to that. Again, he answered by looking at my sister « If she doesn’t want to see only this part of the exhibition, she can go to the Fernand Léger’s while you guys stay here ».  Now that was funny…  but he was serious! Well, no offense, but Fernand Léger was not my first choice. It is as if you are falling for someone, and because that one is going to move in another city, you are suggested to date your neighbor, by only taking in count the distance between the neighbor and yourself. You got my point, right? That reminded me of a similar situation at a movie theater not so long ago. I went to UGC De Brouckere for « The Gringo » and the nice lady told me (as I was alone, she had no other choice but talk to me) « I am sorry, this movie is being projected in a room forbidden to wheelchair users » pause « but you can go and see Death Wish instead ».
Are you wondering if I took their solution? For the situation at the movie theater, I was alone, so no way! I asked her if she finds the situation normal. At first, she was telling me what she is told to tell and listed the accessible rooms they have « rooms 4 6 7 and 8 ». So, I asked her to put herself in my shoes and forget that she works there for one second and I asked her if she still finds it normal. She did not find it normal, I don’t see who would. I gently asked her to make a suggestion to her boss in the aim to change this. Then, I left.
About the second situation, on one hand, by taking their solution, I would not ruin the Saturday of the entire family even if that means I don’t strongly stand against it, even if I tell them that it should not happen. On the other hand, by not taking their solution I would make the statement that it is an unfair situation which should not happen, but I would ruin the family’s Saturday.
What would you do?
Enjoy the weekend, take care of yourself and your loved ones!
Petit Cyborg